A New School Adventure

Risultati immagini per first school dayToday I had to realize my High School journey is ended. This morning I woke up as I was going to get to school, but in reality I only drove my brother to the train and than I had to come back home. I got photos from my family group chat and texting wishing everyone good luck for the first school day after summer holidays and I indeed got a message from a teacher saying the same.
Was than that I got panicking! If I am not going to High School anymore, how is gonna be my life? How is going to be University, will I like it? Is it the right choice for me?

I put beforehand, I always hated High School, never appreciate subjects, being there for 6 hours listening apparently to boring classes and for years I waited for this moment, to finish that nightmare and to be grown up to go to University.
But now.. everything is going to be new, I do not know even in which faculty I will go to, and how I will put up with new people.
Well I know. I am not the only one living this situation. New places and situations are scaring. But how everyone looks so relaxed over all this situation?
At least going to High School do not give you any thought. You know how is going to be for five years, you are not that stressed since the moment you know that teachers are there for not more that 30 people and that if you have any problem with their subject you can talk to them.

Not having the possibility to stay forever in High school I guess I am going to get my risks, hoping I am choosing right!

Good luck everyone with your day and with your future!

And remember that even when you feel you are the only one in that situation, it is not true, there are thousands of people around you in the same one which think exactly to be alone as you do.


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