AuPair or HelpX

Good evening everyone! ๐Ÿ™†

Today I want to introduce to you all two different ways to live in a foreign country for a while, exchanging some hours of your day for food and a place where to live.

Let'a get started!
The two option I am considering are: AuPair program or HelpX.

If you are looking forward to take a break from your life in your own country and live a one time life experience abroad you should definitely take in consideration one of these experiences.

If you love children, I think the best option for you would be becoming an AuPair,
there are different companies as CuluralCare, AuPairworld that you could take in consideration.
I am subscrit to AuPairworld platform (I link you here the platform if you are interested to discover more about it I link you here the platform (

The platform is really easy to use and it takes no expence for AuPairs. Are the families that pay the company to subscribe to the platform and find an help with their children.

You need to give them some information about yourself and write a presentation letter to an hypotetical family. Then you need to upload some picture of you to let the families know more about what kind of person you are.
As soon as you give them all the information required the platform will give you some families match in the Easyfind, text them and see which family you are more suitable with.

With the AuPair program you will need to pay your flight and personal expences. In exchange for your help with their children, the family will host you in their house making you part of the family.

Futhermore they will give you some pocketmoney according to the amount established by the nation you are going to.

If you are interested to know more about how much you could gain doing this experience (this is related to Ireland) you can consult the platform ( )!

HelpX is a different type of experience!
On the platform there are people asking for help for a certain period, can be helping in the house, in a farm, a hostel,... and in exchange they will give you a place where to sleep and depending on the range of hours required they could give you food, pay for your language lessons, it really depends from every type of job required!

Here I attach you the link of helpX

What are you waiting! The word is there just to be discovered!


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